“Learn to Lead” is a Grundtvig Learning Partnership which is funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. The partnership will last for two years between 2012-2014.
In the project "Learn to Lead", we wish to bring together teachers who work with adults together, share knowledge about communication skills in general and conflict management in particular. The project will enable teachers working with adults to improve their pedagogical skills by giving the chance to learn different approaches and share experiences.
“Learn to Lead” is a Grundtvig Learning Partnership which is funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. The partnership will last for two years between 2012-2014.
In the project "Learn to Lead", we wish to bring together teachers who work with adults together, share knowledge about communication skills in general and conflict management in particular. The project will enable teachers working with adults to improve their pedagogical skills by giving the chance to learn different approaches and share experiences.